Area Attractions & Resources
The information on this page is not all-inclusive.  Please use the "Contact Us", and from the "Send to" box select "New Content Suggestions".  Suggestions should include the name, address and contact information.
Hospitals and Diagnostic Services
Kent Island Pharmacies
List of some local mobile & office services
List of local hardware stores, Garden Centers & Nurseries, & Bicycle Sales & Repair
Grocery Stores, Farmer's Markets near Bay Bridge Cove
Local Area Restaurants
Bike Routes, Golf Courses & Parks
List of landings in & near near OAC.  QAC Permits: QAC Landing Permits
Rentals & Training Facilities
The Bay Bridge offers toll discounts when using the MD Easy Pass
You can subscribe to several Facebook pages (Residents of Kent Island, Kent Island Happenings I and II, I Love Kent Island) of local interest. This is a link to Kent Island Happenings.
List of QAC and Kent Island transportation services